Sunday, October 28, 2012
Day 34
Hello! Sorry its been a few days. I was in Farmington visiting my family. But Im back. I took today to relax and do nothing because the next 5 days are going to hell. Im going to be packing and cleaning like a mad woman. Im moving to Utah(for those of you trying to figure out what the hell Im talking about) in a matter of 5-6 days depending on how you look at it. And in those days Payne will be spending the majority of his time at work making sure we can afford everything. After we get settled I will be back to my normal blogging. That also means you will see all the projects I have been working on and furniture I will be re working. Thanks for being patient! XOXO Jordan
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Day 31
So I am excited to share this little link. I am going to be making this as soon as I can scrounge up the money to make it. all today! XOXO
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Day 29... Again!
I made delicious cookies today to take to the girls I visit teach. This is what they looked like before I baked them. YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMY!
Yummy Eggless Pumpkin cookies! These are great because they are edible before you bake them! So heres the recipe...
You take a box of white cake mix, 1 15oz can of pumpkin (not the filling but actual pumpkin), 1tsp of cinnamon, 1 tsp of nutmeg, 1Tbsp of sugar. Mix together in a bowl till completly mixed. Spoon onto a cookie sheet(I sprayed mine with cooking spray just to be sure they wouldnt stick to the pan.) Bake at 350 degrees for 15-17 minutes.Simple as that! I used a cream cheese frosting to frost them with and dusted them with some nutmeg. YAY! Enjoy!
Day 29
So Im going to go all hair stylist on you. I found theses on another blog but felt they were important to share. The one with the baking soda should only be done once a week to clarify the hair...
Homemade Hair Treatments For Damaged Hair 1. Avocado Deep Conditioner Hair Mask- Using 1 small jar of mayonnaise and 1/2 avocado. Mix all ingredients, smooth into head being careful to work it to the ends, Use shower cap or plastic wrap to seal body heat in and leave on for 20 minutes.I like all of these because Ive budgeted out all my spending money on hair stuff. When youre moving you have to pinch pennies somewhere and my hair budget got hit. Heres another little diddy...2. Mayonnaise Your Hair - Apply 1/2 cup of mayonnaise to your dry hair, work in really well, cover your head with a plastic wrap, and let it set for about 15 minutes.3. Olive Oil Hair Mask - Combine 2 tablespoon honey and 3 tablespoon olive oil together. Apply thoroughly and then cover with plastic wrap and set for 15 minutes. These beauty tips and treatments are great on any type of hair and safe enough for those with sensitive scalps as well. Homemade Shampoo4. Baking Soda Hair Cleansing Mud – Mix 1 heaping Tbsp. of Baking Soda and 3-5 drops of essential oils of your choice (lavender, patchouli, rosemary, sweet orange are some of mine:not necessarily all together) with enough water to make a paste. Mix this in the shower. It took a little getting use too, with there being no suds.5. Natural Chemical Free Shampoo – Use these three ingredients and use as a natural DIY shampoo, ¼ cup distilled water ( deionized water is ok ), ¼ cup liquid castile soap ( I use unscented ), and ½ teaspoon jojoba, grapeseed or other light vegetable oil.6. Chamomile Fields Shampoo - Let the tea bags steep in 1 1/2 cups of boiled water for 10 minutes. Remove the tea bags and with the remaining liquid add the soap flakes. Let stand until the soap softens. Stir in glycerin until mixture is well blended. Pour into a bottle. Keep in a dark, cool place.More Home Remedies For Hair Here are several more tips on homemade treatments for damaged hair over on the Hair Care Tips blog. Drinking a lot of water, to keep the body hydrated and lustrous. Regular use of olive oil, to help control damaged frizzy and dry locks. This remedy can either be used directly on the head, or quantities of it can be increased in a diet. After washing, apply a small amount of silicone serum should be applied to the head, which repairs the damage. Jojoba oil should be applied mainly to the ends to make it softer. This home remedy can work wonders with frizzy and dry locks. Damaged hair should be deep conditioned thoroughly at least once a week.
By using this simple banana hair mask recipe it will increase the amount of moisture in the hair and help to soften curly hair leaving it full of life and bounce. This is also a very effective treatment to help manage the effects of dandruff as well as relieving an itchy scalp.I hope this helped yall! XOXO2-3 ripe bananas (mashed)2-3 tablespoons honeyMix ingredients together and apply to damp hairMassage each strand, roots, and scalp to ensure complete coverage Cover hair with a shower cap or cling wrap and leave in for approximately 30 minutes Rinse thoroughly then shampoo and condition as normal
Monday, October 22, 2012
Day 28
So here it goes... I hated today. I have hated the last week. I hate constantly feeling sick all the time. I feel helpless all the time. I feel bad for Payne because he is working so hard for us to move and its killing me to not be able to stand for very long. Im trying to do all that I can but its next to impossible. I wake up every day hoping to feel just a tiny bit better but its never true. Im up long enough to cook a meal for us but by the time its done Im ready to pass out again. Have I ever mentioned how amazing my husband is? He takes the most amazing care of me. And he puts up with all my issues. He deserves a medal! Husband of the year material right here ladies and gents. I made these cool burgers tonight but I think I should have more to add to them. I am so not in the mood to talk about it. So i guess I will see you loves later...
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Day 27
So Im back to laying on the couch and feeling like death again. WHY ME?! I guess its good for you all because I can consistently keep up with my blog. So here is what I am obsessed with today... we get settled in our cute little apartment in Provo I plan on going on a massive craft binge. Im hoping my cute sister in laws want to do some crafting over Thanksgiving weekend. Or atlease help me organize my chaos. I am after all making dinner. LOL! Anyways... This lady has lots of fun ideas and understands the need to craft on a budget. Here she is... what else I just found. think I will have to do this as well. But instead of using buttons, because I HATE BUTTONS, I would use Velcro. Thats it for today yall. XOXO
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Day 26
I love Fat Jack. We spend way too much time together. Being sick lately has made us bond alot. Weve discovered that Jack looooooooves Animal Planet... This is him watching it today...
Weve had him for over a year now so he fits right in. Just like Payne he gets mad at me everytime I try to take his picture.
I love it because he has such an attitude. We got Jack to keep me sane when I am home by myself. Im weird about being alone and I have Jack to talk to. And trust me, He talks back. I always try to get videos of him talking and as soon as he hears me turn on the app on my phone he freezes up. He must be camera shy. Also Jack has gotten to the point where hes putting up with me annoying him. The other day I got him tied up in my scarf. Im sure I posted this pic before but it makes me giggle all the time.
Payne refers to him as the Hipster Kitty. Oh something I just learned from Animal Planet... Cats pick up on human traits. Such as talking and our own mannerisms. See Payne I told you Jack was just like you in the fact that all he ever wants to do is sleep. And he wants to snuggle up with me... Which I dont really mind. Do you like cats? I think they can knead their way into anyones heart. MEOW!
Friday, October 19, 2012
Day 25
So here I am again. Laying on the couch watching Friends and hanging out with Fat Jack. I was given a chance by a very good friend, whom I have mentioned, to work on a blog with her. I think I will! We would have so much fun! But moving on from there. I was going to share the Roundy family Fried chicken recipe. So here it goes...
2 cups Bisquick, 1 packet of powdered Ranch dressing, 1 Tablespoon of pepper, 1 Tablespoon of garlic salt, 1 cup milk, and 8 chicken strips.
You mix all the dry/ powder ingredients together on a plate. Pour the milk into a bowl. In a frying pan heat up your oil. Then dunk your raw chicken strip into the ilk and let it sit for about a minute. Then add it to the powder. Make sure you coat the entire thing. then place in the hot oil so that it cooks. When the strips are completely cooked lay them on a plate with a paper towel on it to drain off excess oil and to rest.
I served this magical deliciousness with green beans, corn, and wild rice. I also like to serve it with a baked potato. I also love this fried chicken served cold.Anyways... Ive been getting ready for this move. Its crazy to think in two weeks I will be back in Utah. But I look forward to being back with friends. And I also get to see some of Paynes family. AND I GET TO CRAFT AGAIN! I lost all my desire to craft and be creative living here in Albuquerque. I sort of blame it on working at Fantastic Sams. I did so much for the store and for the owners and I got nothing in return. I didn't even make that much which makes everything that much suckier. I watched them walk all over staff and fire people for no good reasons. And Im kind of ashamed to say I was somewhat involved in that. Then I removed myself from the situation and BAM! I had the rude awakening. They were trying to get rid of me because I was too good. WHAT KIND OF BUSINESS IS THAT?!?!?!? Right?! So Im glad I have moved on and left that in the dust. I hope that his business falls under and he looses all his investments in it. And I hope state board fines him for all the stuff he sweeps under the rug. But Im done with that. Sorry about this little rant. Im done! Hahahaha So is there anything that anyone wants me to talk about? A recipe or a craft or a hair problem?
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Day 23
So Im laying on the couch watching My Fair Wedding on Netflix writting this new entry. Im also laying here with a fever, ear infection, and a sore throat. Woe woe woe is me... NOT! Im just frustrated that I cant be working on packing some stuff. But I know that if I do anything and Payne sees it he will kill me. Im too young to die. Hahahaha Emily do you remember when we used to yell "Im too young to die" when we would find out someone was engaged?! Because I do. And look... Were both married or aka DEAD! I think it was really our singlehood dying and becoming a new married woman. So that makes sense.Im running again. Have I ever mentioned how much I love weddings? Because after watching all these dang wedding shows I really think I would make an excellent wedding plannerI also want to own my own restaurant. I want a cute diner that serves my secret recipies and hosts car shows in the summer. Payne thinks this would be the best for me because Im an excellent cook in his book.I also want to own a consulting business. Ya know... Meet people and help them prepare for a date or a meeting or an interview. Help them shop and figure out what works for them. I think starting it in Utah would be a really good idea too. I found an office space that would be great to have to meet with clients. I wonder if it would even work. Would you come to me for a consultation?
Monday, October 15, 2012
Day 21... AGAIN!
Hot dang! Two posts in one day?! What?! Yes sir! I just found this place that has blown my crafty brain. EMILY THIS ONE GOES OUT TO YOU!!!! we go yard selling and find funky furniture i will be doing this. All because I stumbled upon this blog
Day 21
So I was stumbling my way across pinterest when I discovered this lady at and she had the most handiest tips for finding buried gold... aka second hand fabulousness. Her is her 10 tips.
1. Thrift Shops -
I love shopping at three or four various thrift shops in my area. I typically don’t spend a lot of time browsing, but I swoop in and out. If there’s nothing awesome just begging to come home with me, then I move on. Shopping at thrift stores requires that you get over a fear of bugs, germs and “digging.”.
2. ReStores -
Oh my, oh my! How my heart goes pitter-pat when I enter a Habitat for Humanity ReStore. The merchandise changes constantly, so I could go every day and find a new treasure…but because of my budget, I don’t. ReStores are often located in an older part of town, so I usually take someone with me or make sure that someone in my family knows where I am. #fraidycat
3. Consignment Shops -
Consignment stores that focus on home decor items and furniture are excellent places to shop for new items for your home. You may be able to bargain with the item’s owner to get the best deal possible!
4. Online Classifieds -
I have many friends {and my sister, who is also my friend…} who have found amazing deals from online classified ads! For example, my sister and brother-in-law just scored a beautiful dresser from an online ad. I never bought anything from an online classified ad myself, but it’s a great option especially if you have a truck to go pick up your purchases.
5. TJMaxx or Homegoods -
I love shopping at TJMaxx! We don’t have a Homegoods locally, but those are great too! Lamps, pillows, vases, baskets, dishes, towels, bathroom accessories, bedding and more are all available at marked-down prices at TJ’s. You’ve got to love a deal!
6. Yard Sales -
Have I mentioned that I can’t wait for yard sale season to start up this Spring? I’m so excited! At yard sales, I’m always on the lookout for rulers and yard sticks, furniture, books, art, fabric, vintage sewing supplies…and vintage anything. Few things are sweeter than falling in love with someone else’s junk!
7. Estate Sales -
Much like yard sales, estate sales are amazing resources for inexpensive home decor. If you arrive early enough to the sale, you can get “first dibs” on furniture, artwork, accessories, lamps and more. I think I feel much like a game hunter when I’m yard sale-ing or estate sale-ing…the hunt is exhilarating!
8. Salvage Shops -
It may seem a bit redundant to mention salvage shops after sharing about the love I have for the ReStore, but the two are different, I promise. My favorite salvage shop is Southern Accents. The place is phenomenal. They literally go into houses and buildings that are going to be torn down and they save everything worth salvaging. Floors, windows, mantels, newel posts from staircases, molding, door knobs, light fixtures and more. Southern Accents even has a wood working shop on location and if you can dream it up…they can create it.
9. Antique Malls -
Shopping at an antique mall is completely different than shopping at a yard sale, thrift shop or the ReStore. Typically, antique sellers are not only proud of their merchandise, but they make you pay for their “proudness.” Yes, I just made up that word. However, it is possible to find inexpensive treasures at antique stores. My word of advice…don’t throw caution to the wind when you are on a budget and shopping at an antique mall.
10. The Side Of The Road -
Have you been waiting for this one? My husband humors me as I squeal and make him turn around to go see what was in a pile of “junk.” I got over my self-respect a long time ago and I have no problem digging through stuff on the side of the road. I’ve dug out some neat old windows that my mother-in-law wanted to fight me over {not really!}. My friend Beckie is a RoadKill Rescue queen.
Emily if youre reading this you need to get over to her website. Im serious!
Anyways... Payne and I are moving in three weeks. We found a lovely little apartment near BYU. So November 5th is our official moving day. Im sitting here in a pile of books and dvds and clothes. Two stacks of books, a stack of dvds, two bags of clothes and shoes that are about to make their way to Goodwill. We are also selling a bunch of furniture. Thats stressful because you never know whose creeping around on craigslist.
OOOOH! Heres a new recipe as well. Its something thats in the crocpot right now. I took 1 cup vegetable stock, 1 cup H2O, 1 packet of Onion Soup mix, a few dashes of Worcestershire sauce, a few dashes of pepper, a few dashes of garlic salt (because I dont cook with regular salt), and I mix it all together in a bowl with a wisk. Then I pour the mixture into my crocpot. I place a pork loin roast that is slightly defrosted in the mixture. Cook on High for 6 hours or low for 9 hours. Im planning to make rice and gravy with the drippings in the crocpot. I cant wait to try it!
Friday, October 12, 2012
Day 18
Ive been baking!!! Heres a pic of what Im working on right this moment...
I know you can buy a box of strawberry cake mix from the grocery store but I like my cake to have a bunch of flavor. So you mix in a box of jello powder into your cake batter. EASY!!! And Im going to top it off with homemade cream cheese frosting. But the twist is... because we all know im twisted is that you pop it in the fridge to chill it and BAM! Deliciousness! So moving right along... Im still jobless and hanging in the balance trying to figure out where things are headed. I wish we would get the final decision. It would make life easier. Oh and to Paynes surprise I cleaned the kitchen today. I guess its because I was in the mood to do something. I cleaned all the carpet and the rug too. When you adopt a dog you adopt the smell as well. So were smell free. I love Pinterest. It has taught me lots of tricks. Especially when adopting a dog and knowing nothing about what to do for them. I mean I have had dogs in the past but never an indoor dog. Sorry to drag on about her. She fills my day with trips to the dog park and interesting walks around our complex. Oh like the other day when she tried to catch a bird that was injured. And also tried to pull my arm out of place. Here I go again... Ok Ill stop! So sorry! Ill see you later!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Day 16
So we are announcing our newest addition. Shes a year and a half and the sweetest girl around... Ladies and Gents meet PANDA!!!
She is a Huskie/Shephard mix. We got her from the Humane Society. Anyways... Things just got kicked into overdrive. I have a house to pack, sell, and donate. I have 2-3 weeks to do it. Anyone want to come over and help?? I think on my next update I will have a list of everything we are selling and a picture for each one. Literally we are getting rid of everything. Both couches, our brand new head board and foot board, the bookcases and tv stand, and even the coffee table that I love so much. Oh and dont forget the dresser. Needless to say I have my work cut out for me. Maybe I should have an apartment sale. Thats not a bad idea. OH!!!!!!! And heres a recipie you might like. You take a Pork Loin Roast and place it in the croc pot. In a pan on the stove at medium heat place half a stick of butter broken down into little pieces. Then add a cup of brown sugar and let it simmer and melt together. add 1/3 cup teriyaki sauce. let that mix together. then add 1/2 cup of Dr. Pepper. let it come to a simmer. after that is all simmered up pour it over the pork loin. sprinkle a little more brown sugar over the top. Cook on high in the croc pot for 6 hours. when its done shred the pork and let it mix with the sauce. ITS SO GOOD! We had sweet pork tacos last night. And then this morning Payne put it in his eggs. You can do alot with it.
YUMMMMMMMM!!!! Oh how I love my croc pot. Whats your favorite thing to cook in your croc pot??
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Day 13
So I missed a few days but thats okay. Ive been a little preoccupied. Im just checking in to let you know all is well... Also... PAYNE GOT ACCEPTED INTO BYU!!!! So everything is about to fall in place. I havent landed a job for sure yet but hopefully I will know by tuesday. Also... HALLOWEEN IS IN 24 DAYS!!! I like Halloween. I want to carve a pumpkin this year... I think we are going to try and go to the ward trunk or treat. So my loyal fans... What are you going to be for Halloween?!?!?!?
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Day 9
Hot Dang! Im on a roll! I had an interview at victorias secret today! It went really well. I hope that I get the job. I also went to the doctor to get my wrist checked out. Bad news bears! I might have to get the thing popped back open and redone. YUCK! So Im not doing hair right now because that could be the reason why it has gotten so bad. Oh! And we went to the Humane Society today and Payne fell in love with the most cutest dog. Her name is Panda Bear (which I find funny because thats what I call Payne.) I am going to try and adopt her for him if I can pull the funds together. Im just worried about what might happen when we move. So we are weighing all of our options... Being much more responsible. Anyways... Thats all I have right now. LOVES XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Day 8
So I skipped a few days... SUE ME!!! I had a job interview today at Hot Topic. Thats cool right? I thought so. Anyways... theyre having me meet with the district manager on friday! WOOT! Hopefully I get the job. In other news I hate Paynes work right now. Theyre making him work less hours which is less shifts which means less $$$$$. And since hes the only income right now its stressing me out right now... So keep your fingers crossed right now for me to get the job! Im planning to dazzle the lady with my awesome abilities. But whatever... So Payne and I worked on our Christmas pictures today. If you stalk me on facebook (which I am hopping you am because you found this blog link on there) then you would have seen it posted today. If not... here it is...
Arent we the most cutest couple ever?!? Because if you said yes you would be right!!! and heres the cutest cat on earth... Handsome Jack... AKA Hipster Jack...
Everyone that follows me on instagram and on facebook is probably annoyed that I take daily pictures of Jack but COME ON!!!! Hes freaking adorable. And if he knew how to type he could tell much funnier stories on here than I could. And he would also tell you about the mean mean things I do to him. Like today I found a cut on his chin and so Payne wrapped him up in a towel and held him tight so that I could treat his wound. He HISSED at me. That never happens. So I felt bad and I gave him like ten treats. Now hes back in my lap. His favorite thing to do is to jump up on my lap uninvited and plant his 27 pound body down wherever he feels and most of the time its in a position that is not nice for me because he likes to sit on cell phones and key boards. Anyways... Im going to finish watching my show... Good night!
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