So its been almost a month since ive posted and that is not what I am all about. So I am here to tell you all about the craziness in my life. Payne quit Olive Garden. Sometimes I want to strangle him but whatever. Theres not alot I can do about that. I have been having the worst time at the salon. All the pain from my shoulder, elbow, and wrist are getting to be too much and so I am looking to find a good office job and work there till the fall. Then high ho high ho its off to school I go. I don't know what to think about any of that right now. Its so much swimming around in my head. The stress of being the only one working at a job that is slowly killing my body is just no fun. Dont get me wrong. I love doing hair and will never truly stop doing it but this time I know that I need the break from it. Thats why I think its time for me to go back to school and get a degree. Then I can own salons and still be part of the industry and not work just behind the chair. So dont worry my cute little friends who are my biggest fans. I will still take care of you out of my house just not in a salon setting.
Which brings me to my next subject. I am so freaking excited for summer. Let me elaborate. Since moving to Utah the weather hasn't been about 40 degrees. EVEN WHEN THE FREAKING SUN IS OUT!!!!! Dont believe me? Heres a little pic to prove Im not crazy...
Now mind you that forecast says its going to get warmer... YEAH... We shall see. Plus im also excited for summer because I bought the ultimate summer pass... AKA The Pass Of All Passes. Its a Seven Peaks and other locations party pass to get into anything for an entire year. So on saturday every weekend this summer you will find me floating in the lazy river with sunglasses on. Thats one other thing im looking forward to about a regular 8-5 monday thru friday job. WEEKENDS ARE FREE!!!!!!!!!!! We can actually go places and see our people. The only thing im worried about it Missys graduation. And Dillons graduation. OH GUESS WHAT?!?!
Yeah just thought I should mention that. Okay im over it... See ya!