Monday, November 25, 2013

Binders for Emergency Prepardness

Hello!  I know that I didn't give a very detailed list of the things that you can put in your "Important Document Binder".  There is a couple of reasons but the biggest one is because there's so many different ways to do it.  But I will give you a list (in order) of how I made mine. 

When you open up the binder this is what you will see...

  • A box with our address and phone numbers
  • A box with “essential” info for every member of our family (name, DOB, allergies)
  • A box that says: “If you are unsure who to call and it is an emergency, dial 911!
  • A box with phone numbers to all our insurance companies along with the insurance policy numbers (car, life, health etc)
  • A box with other important emergency numbers (poison control, 24 hr nurse line, gas company, plummer, etc)
  • A box with our doctor’s phone numbers.
  • Husband’s family’s numbers (parents, siblings, grandparents)
  • My family’s numbers
  • Local friend’s numbers
  • Non-local friend’s numbers
  • Other important numbers

The next page will have the FAMILY EVACUATION PLAN
  • If you were at the meeting I presented the binders you would have received an example of this to hopefully create your own.  If you were not there I will include all the links that I pulled all the information from.  
The Next thing I would include is a CURRENT FAMILY PICTURE.  
This is useful because if a child goes missing you will have current pictures of them and it will also work as proof that you are in fact the child's parent.

Now from here I used dividers to break the folder up into sections so that I was even more organized.  

My first section was FINANCIAL INFORMATION
  • In this section I have all of our account information and credit card information (numbers, phone numbers, etc.)    This is also when I keep a copy of any loans we have (student loans, car loans, mortgages, etc.)

  • In this section I put our birth cetificates, social security cards, passports, and marriage license.  The blog that I originally pulled all this information from strongly suggested having a finger print kit for each family member.

  • In this section I have the titles to our cars, any licensing we have with the state (we have burglary alarm permits and my cosmetology licenses), and medical documents that are important (I have a copy of my claim for my surgery).  

The next section is RELIGIOUS DOCUMENTS
  • In this section I put our Patriarchal blessings, any special blessings that we've saved, temple marriage certificate, and any other religious documents.

The final section is PETS
  • Not everyone has pets right now so you can really have free reign with this section.  We have a cat and so we put his adoption records, shot records, vaccine records, and all health check ups in this section.  This is important if you have a dog as well in case there is a dog bite or if you are moving somewhere that has pet restrictions.  

Now I got all the information for this binder from:

This is a great blog to get information on having a food storage and a 72 hour kit.  

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