Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Day 188

Look at the world around you.  What do you see?  Want to know what I see?  To the exact left of the key board there's a  BYU notebook and a box of Muddy Bears... Traces left from a late night of studying.  To the right is my favorite Victoria's Secret lotion.  Then on the abstract book case next to that is our eclectic DVD collection and a few nick knacks   Then there's the window that Jack likes to spend his time sleeping in.  Then the ugly chair I couldn't leave DI without buying and the UGLY couch Payne couldn't leave Savers without.  Then there's the "Over the door Organizer" for our shoes that I NEVER seem to put my shoes back on.  (That drives Payne crazy but not as crazy as me NEVER hanging my towel up)  Then there's the kitchen where I cook and Payne cleans.  A deal we made the day we were married.  I would do 90% cooking and 10% dishes if he did 90% dishes and took me out to eat when it was his turn for the 10% cooking.  If you look on our walls you'll see pictures of us from our wedding, the wedding certificates, and random quotes about love.  I think about what life would be without my Payne.  How lonely it would be.  He drives me absolutely insane but THATS WHY I LOVE HIM.  I love you Payne.  I love you more in this moment than I ever thought I could the day we promised eternity.  And it gets bigger everyday...

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