Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 352

Thirteen days left till my years experiment will be over... But dont worry!  Im going to keep updating!  This is fun and its been a great way to stay connected with friends.  (Thats you Emily!)  Im watching Pitch Perfect for the hundredth time and reflecting as usual.  Im happy... two of my sister in laws live in Provo with us now.    My brother is leaving on his mission in like three weeks.  My sister is CRUSHING it at art.  Payne is trying so hard to figure out what his plans are and Im happy with my life.  Ive got great friends and an adorable cat...  So heres a few updated pictures of recent events!
This is Jack and his obsession... He gets up on the bathroom counter and lets the sink drip water on his head 
Youre going to start seeing alot of pics like this... This is the BYU Alumni game...  Missy standing on the right side of the pic in the white tshirt and sweats helping coach and Ali is on the left side of the net KILLING IT!  
My hair has a faint lavender color now... You can KIND OF see it here...
And this is my favorite person in the ENTIRE WORLD!  I love him!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Day 348

Have I ever talked to you about Jack?  Jack is my cat.  Jack is more than a cat... Hes like my little shadow.  When Im home and especially when Im sick he follows me around the house and never leaves my side.  Jack...
This is a pic of Payne and Jack

 This is how Jack sleeps every night

This is my favorite picture of Jack

He is always snuggling up with me when I dont feel good

Snoozing in the afternoon

Hanging out on the rug

He was batting at the camera to make me stop taking pictures

This is Jack spooning with Payne

My second favorite picture of Jack

Snuggling on my lap after a long day of doing Jack stuff

As you can tell this cat is my family... I just thought you should know...

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Day 329

We redid our entire apartment.  Moved furniture around and then bought some new things at Ikea.  This first picture is of our living room.  
 We moved the couch around moved the tv and playstation into the living room and then bought two new bookcases.  We also got a new rug and painted an end table that you cant see from this point of view.  
The picture below is of our bedroom.

We moved our bed to infront of the window which freed up alot of space in our room.  We moved our desk to the foot of our bed and put a cool lamp next to it.  You can also see Payne taking a small break while I update the blog.  
The picture below is of Payne and Jack trying to relax.
Anyways I thought I would let you know what we are up to!  Thanks for stopping by!